20200516 My adventure on to 2m SSB
This journey started ages ago (December 2019) and I’m just typing it up now so going to have to try…
This journey started ages ago (December 2019) and I’m just typing it up now so going to have to try…
Since gaining my licence I’ve usually just had basic cards which have sufficed – I guess all new Amateurs don’t…
At the beginning of July we went on our family holiday – it’s been 3 years since we had a…
Out of the blue, on 30th April 2019, I received an email from Adrian VA3NNA (FN03) asking for a sked –…
This post has been a long time coming – Around July/August 2017 is when I got my Yaesu FT-857D –…
My birthday has been and gone.. I always get asked what I would like and as usual I struggled –…
An amateur buddy Dale, MM0INH was documenting his 160m exploits on twitter… he made an antenna and posted his results…
For a while now I’ve been wanting to add (at the very least) a switch in my shack to give…
I won’t go in to my ‘history’ of how I came to be an amateur radio operator and what I…
Yesterday I decided that I’d give the RSGB 432MHz Low Power Contest a go.. I hadn’t had a single go…
IOTA 2018 is my last entry as a “Newcomer” – to enter this category you need to have held a…
Well this was a first for me 2m SSB – I had worked a station or two with the vertical…
Last weekend I finally got around to playing with SSTV – I run Linux Mint in the shack and had…
I came to ham radio to avoid politics as it was sucking me dry. I expected that there would be…
I’ve been meaning to do this for ages… www.mu0wlv.com/photography
Just lately I’ve been asked on social media why and what etc with regards to me being a vegetarian… The…
I find it increasingly difficult to find the time to play radio – with young’ish kids (10 & 14) and…
I haven’t got out and called CQ on SSB for quite a while – only time recently was to get…
Happy New Year! So the rescheduled exam date has come around – IT’S TODAY and starts 18:00… I’m currently typing…
I wanted to give something to the hobby, something I could offer such as time or an extra pair of…
As my Morse code progresses (I’ve still not learnt all the characters yet) I feel I’m missing the actual hands…
I never realised how sensitive radio operators could be – this post is to send some love ‘up norf’ because…
Over the past 19 months I have learnt so much and it’s all still a huge learning curve – I’ve…
At the end of last year (2016) I had learnt about 7 or 8 letters using the Koch method using…
This is probably more of a personal post than a radio post but there is radio in it…. Being self…
I’m not very good at writing in depth reports or things like that, this blog / site is purely like…
So, I’ve found myself promoting the Chertsey Radio Club raffle – two great causes and some fantastic prizes to be…
This is just a quick post to say “Hello!” to the guys I met on GB3IW when I was in…
So it was (past tense) Wednesday 2nd August 2017 and unusually I’m sat in a hotel bar in Portsmouth ‘people…
Its taken 17 months of saving and the sale of a motorbike but I now have some disposable income to…
This post is directed at my local Guernsey friends… You may or may not be aware but after I’d had…
Recently the RSGB have issued a consultation (http://rsgb.org/main/clubs-training/tutor-resources-2/syllabus/) regarding the exam syllabus changes – it would appear that they will…
thanks to the Australian Government, Bureau of Meteorology for the image above – they go in to huge detail about…
After starting this topic/post and then re-reading it once I had finished I have to include myself in the title…
This transatlantic scheduled QSO started way back at the beginning of November 2016 – Gabe (NJ7H) kindly passed on my…
picture above, left to right – 2m/70cm on chimney – 10m vertical attached to fence post jubilee clipped to a…
on Wednesday (Its Friday today) I placed an order for my first Toroids (T200-2) from these guys http://powermagnetics.co.uk/ – I received the…
Crikey – Its been a month since I last posted – busy at work (nice) and busy at home too,…
As you probably know I do like a satellite…. I’m still very green and haven’t been that enthusiastic lately either…..
First of all – Happy New Year! Hope its a great year for you all and I look forward to…
Well – I wanted to post my build of M0CNL‘s easy digi as my next post, however I’d finished building it ages…
I have a 2.2m dual band (70cm/2m) antenna on the chimney – a generic one thats a bit like the…
On Sunday/Monday I experienced my first tropospheric conditions. It took me a little time to work out which repeater I…
In the post yesterday was a box containing a revised version of the KF5INZ “Easy Digi” kit as modified by…
It seems so long since I have posted and my plan has been to keep a more frequent posting schedule but…
A week or two ago a local ham (Alan, GU4RUK) was having a clear-out of some old bits and bobs,…
I really am enjoying working through satellites, the challenge is fun, can be done with very basic equipment so it…
The alarm went off at 04:00 local, got out of bed 04:20 – i had pre-prepared fresh coffee in the…
So, i haven’t tried any digital stuff yet – listening to RTTY though is mind numbing… the decoder i have downloaded…
I went to B&Q today to buy ‘stuff’ as you do and i saw these – couldn’t resist… however absolutely…
groan & moan – really annoys me when you ask for something and are very specific in what you would…
So very very chuffed to have achieved this… FO-29 – First try was the Saturday morning 04:00 ish (yes bloody…
Started from no licence in January 2016, took the Foundation and Intermediate exams at the same time in April 2016…