The alarm went off at 04:00 local, got out of bed 04:20 – i had pre-prepared fresh coffee in the peculator, all i had to do was switch it all on… Radio packed and ready in the Kennel to grab and go (don’t want it getting condensation in it), the car had the #georgiebeam already loaded – a sked sorted with Paul (N8HM) & Nick (KB1RVT) and also with Dave & Gabriel (KG5CCI & NJ7H ) – ooh, my 2nd TRANSATLANTIC FO-29 pass – FYI Dave and Gabriel were 7200km away on top of a mountain, the record is 7600km set between Dave (KG5CCI) & Christophe Lucas (F4CQA) so 7200 do-able! 🙂
Well, the pass wasnt as good as last week unfortunately – the signals weren’t as loud / clear but hey,,, i got Paul (N8HM), Nick (KB1RVT) & Kevin (G7SVF) so it was most definitely worth getting up so bloody early on a cool windy Sunday morning.
Back home now and the house is still asleep… think i’ll make another coffee – lets hope the coffee grinder doesn’t wake anyone up 😉